Found this article on a website called Alternative Medicine 4 All.
Acupuncture forms part of traditional Chinese medicine. Included are Chinese herbalism, tai chi and chi kung. It is believed that traditional Chinese medicine originated around 2500BC and is one of the oldest forms of treatment. Acupuncture did not really become well known in Western countries until the 1950s, except for the few Chinese practitioners treating Chinese patients in those countries such as Britain. Today, even some orthodox physicians are trained in acupuncture and are incorporating it with western medicine and achieving great results.
Acupuncture is centered on Tao philosophy, like the other forms of Chinese medicine. It is based on the philosophy that a vital energy (force) flows along invisible channels in the body with the inseparable opposing forces of yin and yang, which govern each person. 'Yin' is a masculine, active and positive force and 'yang', a female, passive and negative force. When this energy (chi) freely flows through these invisible channels (meridians) and the yin and yang are balanced, the result is health. If the yin and yang are unbalanced and the chi is blocked, the results become noticeable in the form of illness. The purpose therefore of acupuncture is to correct these imbalances and unblock the meridians, allowing the chi to flow freely once again in the body restoring the patient to physical health. Another form of acupuncture called auricular therapy is based solely on the external ear, which contains its own acupuncture points. This type of therapy is very useful for acute conditions.
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